NENA Arts and Culture Hub

The NENA Arts & Culture Hub


NACH is part of NENA (New Economy Network Australia), a network of organisations and individuals working to create an ecologically healthy and socially just society by transforming Australia’s economic system. In this we acknowledge Australia’s cultural foundations lie with our First Nations knowledge systems and their ethos of Caring for Country.

In this spirit, and in response to the multi-faceted crises engulfing our world, NACH is an emergent network of artists, creatives, storytellers and culture change advocates, exploring through the theory and practice of relational thinking, how to transition from a global capitalist culture based on extractivist logic to one based on relationist logic.



From Ego-System to Eco-System Economics

NENA's Mission NENA promotes itself as a network of organisations and individuals working to create an ecologically healthy and socially just society by transforming Australia’s economic system. It seeks to do this by providing a platform for knowledge sharing,...

|Jan 10, 2025

The Art of Resistance as the World Burns Up

We are witnessing how our human world is speeding up so exponentially that it seems to be burning up, literally and figuratively. As Vanessa de Oliveira has noted ('Hospicing Modernity', 2021), beneath all the story of the cost-of-living crisis and precarity of...

|Dec 7, 2024

Extraction of Nature

Introducing a new author, B, who is a member of the NACH Founding Group of members, Founder of Posthuman Press, and a philosopher-in-the world. At the Australian Posthuman Summer Lab How do we measure a stone? We can’t. And yet, at two different posthuman summer...

|Nov 21, 2024

Waves of Transformational Change

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again. Who is Humpty Dumpty? That is us, the children of Modernity/Coloniality and its extractivist logic. What is...

|Nov 21, 2024

Relationality Through Learning in Place

Kindlehill School—Geography in Place Kindlehill School in the Blue Mountains has created a unique eco-curriculum, Buran Nalgarra, for its senior students. They've escaped the pressure cooker of the ATR scoring to create a form of learning that addresses students'...

|Nov 21, 2024

Megalong’s Lyrebird Festival November 2024

The Lyrebird Festival in Megalong Valley Coming to you in the wonderful Megalong Valley of the Blue Mountains, NSW, the Lyrebird Festival returns in 2024 from Thursday the 14th to Sunday the 17th of November. Visitors to the four-day festival will be able to join...

|Nov 21, 2024

The Relationality Paradigm Shift

The Relationality Revolution Many of us tremble with anxiety, looking for someone, somewhere, to blame as we realise that climate change is real; our houses may become uninsurable; our lives choked with information pollution by conspiracy thinking, fake news and AI...

|Nov 18, 2024

Anatomy of the Defeat of the Voice Referendum

Attempts to Rewrite History As the architects of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and leaders of the Yes campaign ponder the majority No Vote that defeated the proposal, there is a fair bit of rewriting history. That the Albanese Government should not have...

|Oct 26, 2024